Chess is a game I like to think I can play. Win or loss I enjoy a challenging game. I will play online most nights. Sitting at my computer listening to a good audiobook while I play. The best place I have found to play is

The super fast games seem the most popular, but I just can’t respond quickly enough so just end up getting frustrated, so I focus on 5 and 10 minute games. Some days I feel like I am improving my game. Others I feel like my mind is slow and that I am missing things that should and would be obvious to anyone else. Things can get particularly bad if I start focusing on my Rank.

On the days where my rank is incrementing slowly but steadily, all is right with the world. The days where I lose game after game are savage, particularly if I get stubborn and decide that I can’t stop playing until I get back to some point that just gets further and further away.

Not so strangely I also find that how I play can be strongly influenced by how my day was at work.

I would be a much better player if I was retired.

Anyway, if you enjoy Chess yourself, join us and perhaps I will meet you over a game.